IPCC Warnings


The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change) has a goal of limiting global warming to below 1.5ºC by 2025 – a 425-450 ppm CO2 tipping point. In 2022, CO2 has reached 420 ppm at the Mauna Loa observatory. Even at the current 1.2ºC warming, extreme climate events (heatwaves, floods) are common. 

The IPCC Special Report says: “There is substantial evidence that human-induced global warming has led to an increase in the frequency, intensity and/or amount of heavy precipitation events at the global scale.” And: “Overshooting (CO2 limits) poses large risks for natural and human systems, especially if the temperature at peak warming is high, because some risks may be long-lasting and irreversible, such as the loss of some ecosystems (high confidence).” 

A new IPCC report (April 2022) says, “The window to meet UN climate targets is vanishing. Emissions must peak by 2025 to keep global warming well below the 2°C limit set by the Paris agreement.” 

It may take a decade or more to develop and mass-produce Pico Solar Sails. It may take three decades to launch trillions of Pico Sails to L1. Development should start ASAP, in parallel with SAI (stratospheric aerosol injection)

Time is of the essence! 


© Guy Immega 2022